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Az adatfeldolgozók elérhetőségei

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A rendszer frissítése és karbantartása miatt minden év március 31-ig van lehetőség a megújításra. Az idén 2021.03.31-ig.

The reduction in blood pH values

42 animal species developed exclusively by cancerous disease that has reduced their blood pH
Otto Warburg,

The two-time Nobel laureate experiments of 42 animal species developed exclusively by cancerous disease that has reduced their blood pH, and the cells were deprived of oxygen.

He noticed that a slight overweight can dramatically reduce the acid in the blood oxygen level. The blood is too alkaline also reduced the amount of oxygen, but a more acidic environment, a much bigger problem.

Another lesson from the experiments of Warburg was that cancer cells - like most of the bacteria - they like to live in oxygen-poor environment. Every time reduced by 35% of the oxygen level in a healthy cell, the elrákosodott. Found that the amount of oxygen prevents the growth of cancer cell proliferation, and ultimately - as well as the alkaline environment - it can kill them.

Otto Warburg is another great discovery we owe. In 1933, explored how to breathe in the cell, that is how oxygen is transported to the enzymes, in 1944, and proved the existence of hydrogen transport enzymes.

Tumor can not be created in an environment where the acid-base balance there, and there is plenty of oxygen. This proves that there is no heart cancer. The river of blood from the lungs to the heart of the richest and highest oxygen throughout the body pH is.

As the blood passes through the lungs, acidic toxins are expelled from it, and left lots of oxygen and high pH. The cancer cells are always the extreme pH value, and there is a lack of oxygen in them, while healthy cells in the slightly alkaline pH and high oxygen content.
Source: Ideal Lifestyle Magazine /

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Sok gyermekes családban nőttem fel, ahol megtanultam a munka szeretetét. Életem úgy alakult, hogy kénytelen voltam 17 éves koromtól dolgozni. Mélyről indulva kezdtem felépíteni a jövőmet. Majd eljött az idő, amikor saját vállalkozást vezethettem. Rá...