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Az adatfeldolgozók elérhetőségei

Az adatfeldolgozók elérhetőségei

A rendszer frissítése és karbantartása miatt minden év március 31-ig van lehetőség a megújításra. Az idén 2021.03.31-ig.

The zinc

Baby Magazine

Zinc is important for the human body materials among the group of trace elements. Presence of a number of enzymes essential for the operation.

The body materials are an important group of trace elements. Presence of a number of enzymes essential for the operation.
The zinc in the periodic table, elements of atomic number 30's. The human body is important materials from the group of trace elements. Therefore, the presence of a number of enzymes essential for the operation.
Our organization is 1 to 2.5 g of zinc. Its presence is important in the immune system, nervous system and many biochemical processes. Dividing cells of the immune system is often rapidly proliferating cells, such as the ability to fight invading pathogens. The cell proliferation, formation of new cells in the presence of zinc is essential. Its presence is important in the immune system, nervous system and many biochemical processes. Zinc supplementation reduced immune function due to the short period of time are restored.

Zinc is present in the conversion of carbon dioxide involved in enzyme carbonic anhydrase, so especially in the red blood cells, but all other cells is important for proper zinc supply. The central nervous system, especially brain cells essential for the operation of the presence of zinc in sufficient quantities. Play an important role on transport of excitation in specific neurons (nerve cells) in large quantities. Has an important role in the zinc to neutralize free radicals in the functioning of specialized enzymes. Free radicals are reactive molecules that are unique to one or more electrons included. Highly reactive, corrosive materials. In our case, the organization's normal respiration and oxidation processes occur, but are produced in the environmental effects of cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, strong UV radiation (sunlight) will cause. Useful function to the immune cells are able to kill the bacteria.

The living cell, however, these compounds are very harmful because they are bombarded with tiny projectiles as such, initiates a chain reaction in the membranes of our cells, the genes. It is assumed that the growth of cancer cells in the launch process responsible for DNA replication and RNA molecules are made by free radical damage plays a role. Adult body zinc daily needs:
15 mg, 20 to 25 mg during pregnancy and lactation. However, intake of larger amounts may be harmful. Diarrhea, vomiting, neurological symptoms.

Zinc deficiency symptoms:
sense of smell and taste disturbances (strange flavors, odors detected in the normal course), loss of appetite, slow wound healing.
Large amounts of zinc in the following foods:
Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, oats, meat, eggs, May

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Sok gyermekes családban nőttem fel, ahol megtanultam a munka szeretetét. Életem úgy alakult, hogy kénytelen voltam 17 éves koromtól dolgozni. Mélyről indulva kezdtem felépíteni a jövőmet. Majd eljött az idő, amikor saját vállalkozást vezethettem. Rá...