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Az adatfeldolgozók elérhetőségei

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Let your child healthy

Parents are usually very good intentions, want to raise healthy children. Yet, often make mistakes, often because they are too tired to fight for the picky kids, who even prefer to watch TV than play outdoors.

The bad habits, however, must pay the price. About 35 percent of American children are overweight, which then can lead to serious health problems, heart disease or diabetes may result, but may develop depression, and decreases the person's self-esteem.

Research shows that children who are at least 20-40 minutes a day playing outdoors, perform better in school, and even happier than sedentary counterparts.

Some mistakes, which is good to avoid if we want our children to be healthy and happy:

It is important, where to eat with the kids.
If your child is watching TV while eating, to divert the attention of the seen, the stomach does not indicate that it is full, so he túleheti .. Each point is better if the family sitting at the table, preferably with his meals.

Watching too much television.
According to experts, under the age of two do not look at all the kids TV, and no more than two years older than 1-2 hours a day. Studies have shown that children watch TV less you eat less and are easier to consume it. The reason is not only more movement, but also that fewer unhealthy snacks and sugary soft drinks children consume so.

The eye candy to the
Most of the children's eyes to try new things, so if something does not look exciting, or it does not take the other children, then he does not try. You should use this time to the parents of "at least taste the" principle of the child should not eat the whole thing, but try it if you like the taste.

Fattening food in the kitchen cupboard or the fridge
If your child comes home from school, the first, looking for something to snack. It makes a difference, then, what is in the kitchen cupboard shelf at your fingertips, and what do rabbits for the first time, when you open the fridge. Cut up cheese, carrots or fruit, put plastic boxes, and place it so that the child finds it first.

Semi-prepared foods
True, it takes time to cook dinner, so come in handy to shopping centers available in ready-packaged processed foods. In general, however, a lot of salt and fat and, therefore, it is advisable to take time to ensure that you have healthy food that you can take your kids to school. Take advantage of the weekend in preparation.

Important examples of parental
Even the parent says the child, not to sit in front of the TV and do not chew chips, while if he does the same. Do not just talk about it in the baby move more, but go with it we can play ball, hike.

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Sok gyermekes családban nőttem fel, ahol megtanultam a munka szeretetét. Életem úgy alakult, hogy kénytelen voltam 17 éves koromtól dolgozni. Mélyről indulva kezdtem felépíteni a jövőmet. Majd eljött az idő, amikor saját vállalkozást vezethettem. Rá...