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V Prillian systém upgradov a údržby tak, aby do 31. marca každý rok, kým existuje možnosť jeho predĺženia. V tomto roku 2013.03.31.-ig.

Test of a healthy lifestyle

The human health and life depends largely on how to continue living, what kind of life style - consistently say the doctors. The lifestyle and the lifestyle of the negligence and irresponsibility can become a serious source of trouble. Therefore, it would not hurt if you are: whether the lifestyle does not constitute a threat to your health? This helps us to question 14.

First How often do you do some exercise?

A) Every day.
B) at least three times a week.
C) once a week.
D) Almost never

Second How often do you choose to climb the stairs or the elevator instead of the escalator?

A) Almost always.
B) Often.
C) Sometimes.
D) Never.

Third How many hours a day watch TV?

A) I did not.
B) One or two hours.
C) Two - four hours.
D) four hours more.

4th Is it put on weight?

A) None.
B) One or two pounds.
C) Three to five pounds.
D) Ten pounds or more.

5th How many alcoholic drinks consume per week?

A) Nothing.
B) up to a glass.
C) Some glasses.
D) at least one cup per day.

6th How many cigarettes you smoke a day?

A) I did not.
B) less than five.
C) is less than.
D) more than ten.

7th Do you have a medical requirement without tranquilizers, sleeping pills taken?

A) No.
B) only rarely.
C) on occasion.
D) Often.

8th How often do you have a bad mood?

A) Almost never.
B) Rarely.
C) Sometimes.
D) very often.

9th When you feel your work with anxiety, stress?

A) Almost never.
B) Rarely.
C) on occasion.
D) Often.

10th And restful sleep to meet?

A) Always.
B) Generally.
C) Sometimes.
D) It is very rare.

11th You go to the dentist regularly?

A) Yes, every six months.
B) Yes, at least annually.
C) Sometimes, randomly.
D) Only when absolutely necessary.

12th While driving a car exceeds the speed limit?

A) Never.
B) Yes, but only 8-10 km / h.
C) Yes, up to 12-25 km / hour as well.
D) Yes, it can be more than 25 km / h.

13th Fastened to the belt in the car?

A) In all cases.
B) Generally.
C) Rarely.
D) Never.

14th Do they drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs?

A) Never.
B) Rarely.
C) on occasion.
D) Often.


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