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Az adatfeldolgozók elérhetőségei

Az adatfeldolgozók elérhetőségei

A rendszer frissítése és karbantartása miatt minden év március 31-ig van lehetőség a megújításra. Az idén 2021.03.31-ig.

Tip 10 fatigue

If such an epidemic would be the heir to the fatigue and lack of energy, especially women, who generally burn the candle at both ends. The following sleep researchers, nutritionists, psychologists and medical practitioners some good advice, endorsement of fatigue.

First See the Light
If the appropriate light source is used, will be a lot more energy. This, however, poorly lit offices is not an easy thing. The sunlight also contains the same short-wave blue light, which affects the activation of our brains.
In order that we can use this source of energy, rising immediately after lifting the blinds or drapes, and the first thing to be a half-hour walk, you see. During the day you can stay out in the open as possible. The so-called. "Natural" light bulbs used to light the work while you get blue.

Second Proteins provide the energy
Unless we are ready to run a marathon, not necessary to gain energy from carbohydrates. In the spirit of liveliness and energy to consume more protein, it contains an amino acid called tyrosine, dopamine and norepinephrine levels increase. In addition, increases satiety, it is not going to pick up excess pounds.

During the day consume plant and animal proteins: a high-protein cereal or eggs for breakfast, snack on an ounce of almonds, unsweetened yogurt snack, and you'll increase the stamina.

Third Help others
More study has also found that if you help others, the brain produce endorphin. No need to think about big things, also help if a child living as a single mother take care of your baby, or a lonely neighbor talking. If someone willing to give pleasure, the energy charge.

4th Breathe in deeply
The motion of oxygen into the bloodstream to the cells, so let's stop sometimes even during exercise, and intensify with deep breaths of oxygen intake.

Let fitness or yoga every morning for five minutes, not the elevator at work, but use the stairs, or Go for a jog after dinner. Before training to perform deep breathing to enhance the effect, and breathe out slowly.

5th Harmony instant drink powders
Instant powders can increase our energy, in addition to a taste that does not require a sweetener. The honey that's a lot of minerals, organic growing and so is in the physiological effects of bioactive. For example, the negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption may also help offset the céklapor regular consumption. A mild laxative effect, it is also suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids can be recommended.

6th The main variation
Increase energy, you break the daily routine, choose another way home, a taste of a new kind of food, deal with the garden for a little while other work, or will a pencil and draw something.

7th Acupuncture helps a lot
Reiki, a Japanese massage techniques and acupuncture can help restore the flow of energy. If you do not have time, try your acupressure. Research shows that alertness increases when the muscle between the thumb and index finger to rub for 3-5 minutes. Then, a little hurt, but overall well-being.

8th Turn off the devices for an hour a day
Bad impact energy level that we depend so heavily on electronic devices. Adrenaline increases the level of our cell phone rings, a new email message as well.

Draw the line between home and work place, and give yourself at least an hour a day when you turn off all electronic devices.

9th Meditate
Meditation is also increasing alertness and attention, even a small three-minute intervals as well.

Morning and afternoon break with a few minutes to be alone (even in the bathroom) to focus on something pleasant picture of the ocean, a flower or a cat, and you breathe deeply. Little practice several times a day to recharge ourselves energy through meditation.

10th A healthy sleep
The sleep hygiene means no clean sheets, but also help create a relaxing atmosphere, because without adequate sleep can not wake up rested.

Completely darken the bedroom, to regulate the temperature, neither too cold nor too hot not to, and use a white noise (fan or soft music) because it helps you sleep.

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Sok gyermekes családban nőttem fel, ahol megtanultam a munka szeretetét. Életem úgy alakult, hogy kénytelen voltam 17 éves koromtól dolgozni. Mélyről indulva kezdtem felépíteni a jövőmet. Majd eljött az idő, amikor saját vállalkozást vezethettem. Rá...